
Tree Location Map – Click to Enlarge

The beautiful and historic trees that adorn the grounds of the James Arnold Mansion are in need of help.  All too many years of deferred maintenance and numerous storms have taken their toll.

To extend the lives of our trees in a healthy, disease-free condition, the Board of Directors of the James Arnold Mansion, Inc. have contracted with Bartlett Tree Experts to remove dead wood, prune, treat for pests, and improve the soil around them.

Unfortunately, three trees on the North side were removed the last week in February.  An article on our blog tells that story and how we discovered two were old enough to have been planted by James and Sarah Arnold in the 1820s as they began their renowned garden.

We are now asking donors to join with us and help defray the cost of the work on the rest.

For those interested in helping preserve this heritage, an Adopt-a-Tree program to maintain and protect the remaining trees on the property has been started with sign-up possible in the Mansion lobby or here on the website. Please use our secure online donation form (the navigation menu on left-hand side – Get Involved > Donations), and be sure to designate which tree you are Adopting in whole or in part in the form notes field.

Tree Name Chart, and $ amounts needed to preserve each tree – Click to Enlarge (PDF)

A map of the property with each tree numbered corresponds to an accompanying chart that has a description of the numbered tree and what it will cost to help it become thriving and healthy again.

When this work is done, we intend to mount a plaque in the main lobby, as well as posted on our website, with the names of all who donate to this cause along with the name of the tree adopted.

This is a chance to extend the lives and preserve our wonderful trees for present and future generations to enjoy and cherish.

Thank you

Board of Directors – James Arnold Mansion, Inc.


We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Your donations are tax deductible.