Preserve the Legacy Campaign

The Board of Directors of the James Arnold Mansion, Inc. is embarking on an ambitious program to preserve the James Arnold Mansion for future generations. We are elated to announce the inauguration of a $200,000 capital campaign to commemorate and celebrate the 200 year history of the James Arnold Mansion and the legacy begun by…

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What a Month!

These are tough times for all our mansion family. The resident tenants, the Wamsutta Club, its members as well as the staff and the Glass Museum. I am confident we will all get through these tough times and look forward to seeing you all at the Mansion. We have been hard at work making the…

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Trees of New Bedford: Get to know the Arnold Oak

In 1821, James Arnold and his wife, Sarah Rotch Arnold, built a simple Federal-style house on 11 acres in New Bedford. They also created an extensive garden, which they opened to the city on Sundays. In addition to being a respected and successful merchant and a co-founder of the New Bedford Horticultural Society, James and…

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Dinner and Play Fundraiser (Valentine’s)

Date: Feb. 16th, 2019 Time: 6 pm Location: James Arnold Mansion Cost: $65 per person (or $125 per couple) Enjoy Event Photos On Standard-Times Website We are planning a Valentine EVENT to raise funds to preserve, protect and educate the community on the importance of our historic landmark. In 1821, James Arnold built the mansion and moved his family…

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James Arnold Mansion Update (November 2018)

We hope all had a great Thanksgiving Holiday. We have applied for 2 Community Preservation Committee grants for next year. One is for $60,000 to repair brickwork and lentils the other is for $30,000 for survey work to delineate the property bounds as well as ground penetrating radar to see where any old buildings were…

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June 2018 Meeting

On June 3rd, 2018 We held a meet and greet presentation at the Wamsutta Club at James Arnold Mansion. The meeting was to introduce the James Arnold Mansion to our neighbors and surrounding area residence. We explained our history and what our vision is for the future. We envision the Mansion being an asset to…

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Restored James Arnold gardens will be open to public

In a letter to Henry David Thoreau in November 1855, Daniel Ricketson of New Bedford answered Thoreau’s questions about the trees at the James Arnold mansion on County Street. Local residents are probably more familiar with the mansion as the home of the Wamsutta Club. Ricketson, a birder and naturalist, was friends with Thoreau. His…

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The beautiful and historic trees that adorn the grounds of the James Arnold Mansion are in need of help.  All too many years of deferred maintenance and numerous storms have taken their toll. To extend the lives of our trees in a healthy, disease-free condition, the Board of Directors of the James Arnold Mansion, Inc.…

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Tree removal to mark revival of James Arnold Mansion

NEW BEDFORD — Chainsaws will be on the grounds of the former Wamsutta Club next week as improvements begin to reflect the character of the mansion built by James Arnold in 1821. Landscape architect Paul R.V. Pawlowski has been retained by the nonprofit James Arnold Mansion Inc. to rethink the property that is now mostly…

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