Preserve the Legacy Campaign

The Board of Directors of the James Arnold Mansion, Inc. is embarking on an ambitious program to preserve the James Arnold Mansion for future generations. We are elated to announce the inauguration of a $200,000 capital campaign to commemorate and celebrate the 200 year history of the James Arnold Mansion and the legacy begun by James Arnold himself. It is our hope that Preserve the Legacy will speak to all those who value historic properties and share the desire to preserve this rich historic and cultural resource in the very heart of our city.

Funding provided by the Preserve the Legacy Capital Campaign is the continuation and culmination of the rehabilitation process that has already been underway for the past 3 years. Much has already been accomplished. The entire roof of the mansion will have been replaced by this year. A significant portion of this project has already been completed using city provided CPC grant money. Many other important projects remain. These include: updated life and safety measures such as a new fire alarm systems throughout the building and improved sprinkler system; a cost and energey saving, modern HVAC system; updated electrical wiring, and plumbing upgrades. All of these improvements and upgrades will be carefully designed without altering the historic fabric of the mansion. Of great importance is the realization of the vision to restore the grounds of the James Arnold Mansion. It is our mission to bring them back to their former glory and horticultural beauty so dear to James Arnold himself.

The Preserve the Legacy Capital Campaign and the continued efforts of the board of directors to seek additional grants in the future is a necessary shared commitment among individuals who care about the city, care about the unique historical architecture that exists in the city, and want to preserve the James Arnold Mansion for future generations to enjoy.

Please help us revitalize this building and return it to its place of prominence in the City of New Bedford. It will happen with your support. Please contact Rick Porteus to make a pledge or discover other ways you may help in this effort.

Rick Porteus
President, James Arnold Mansion, Inc.

Donate to the Preserve a Legacy Campaign